Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Help! I Can't Sleep!

I'm so excited about the house, I can't sleep. I've only had two hours of sleep, and I have to wake up in a little over two hours (I mean, if I was asleep, I'd have to wake up in two hours). You know when that sense of panic sets in and you know you won't be able to function the next day? That's where I'm at right now. They always say you should get up and do something else, so here I am. It's not working yet.

We met a landscaping contractor at the house yesterday morning, and while we were there, they started spraying the pool. Yes, spraying! I had no idea how a pool was made until I saw it with my own eyes. You've all seen pictures of the metal rebar shell. Well, a guy gets in the pool with a fire-hose-looking thing and sprays wet concrete up and down the sides and bottom of the pool until it fills in behind the frame and buries it. Then these other guys come in and shape the steps and the areas around the light and filter, etc., and smooth the surface. We watched the whole thing from our walk deck. The guy that has to spray the stuff has to be really strong and very skilled. He was trying to teach one of the other guys how to do it, and warned him not to kink the hose or he'd be shot up ten feet into the air and slammed down to the ground, not to mention we'd all be injured by the spraying concrete. No, thank you!!! Who ever knew that this type of dangerous job existed?

Unfortunately, we didn't have the camera with us. I got some poor quality pics with my cell phone, but I don't know how to upload them to the computer. If I figure it out, I'll post them.

Gonna try to get some sleep now...

You are nuts! I hope that when you last left this blog you went to bed and had wonderful visions of laying by the side of your new pool, minus the conrete spraying and all.
alyssa-I know I'm nuts. Next time I'll call you.
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