Saturday, October 15, 2005


No S#!T, This Really Happened

Our darling Nasha girl decided to really kill us this morning. We had to get up at 5:45 AM to prepare for Maricopa's Founders Day event (both hubby and I were workin' it). We were, of course, rushing around with last minute issues when we hear Nasha crying. It sounds like it's coming from our bedroom, but she's nowhere to be found. I look all over the apartment, and I'm convinced it's coming from the bedroom. I look EVERYWHERE! Even under the bed. Nothing. So I look under the bed for the seventh time, and there! I saw some movement in the fabric of the box spring. That little *bleep*er got INSIDE the box spring! Can you believe it! She was in a panic trying to get out. There's a little hole in the fabric, and somehow she got inside. I swear, kids are easier than puppies. So when I call her, she runs to the edge of the box spring, nowhere near where the way out is. Dang! It's in the middle of the bed, and I can't fit under there! Hubby rips the side of the fabric out and delivers our little bundle of joy. (Notice my clenched-teeth-smile?) Love her. Mean it. As if that wasn't enough, she left a nice juicy turd behind. IN the box spring. My husband had to reach in the new hole he made and get it. Ewwwww! I was gagging. No help at all. I'm so glad we're staying in a furnished apartment and this isn't our stuff.

Oh my God, it wasn't enough to break into your box spring, she had to shit in it too. Classic... I guess you're gonna need a lot of Febreze, eh? :D
david...I already own stock in Nature's Miracle. I've gone through multiple bottles in the last two weeks, and it is truly a miracle. Thank God the bed isn't coming with us to the new house.

steph...yeah, it's a good thing she's so cute or I probably would have killed her. Any advice for people wanting to be dog parents...adopt an older animal that has bowl control.
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