Friday, October 14, 2005
Kyle Owens is a Doo-doo Head

"Modern Dog is THE most asinine magazine I've ever seen. A whole lot of fuss about nothing but stupid dogs. Of all the species on Earth, you've singled out one of the ugliest, stinkiest, and most disgusting to worship.
"It disgusts me to see articles gushing about domesticated scavenger animals whose brains are smaller than lemons. It's enough to make one hurl (and the dogs would love to eat the vomit). You freaks are living in La-La-Land. You think dogs are family members; boy, are YOU wrong. Dogs are PROPERTY. They are short-lived, lower-species beasts that don't even know they are alive.
"Dogs are subservient, drooling, butt-sniffing, crotch-licking, instinct-driven pack animals. Only an idiot would dote on them.
"Kyle Owens"
Well, Kyle, I'm sorry you're so hateful. I find it interesting out of all the things in this world to be passionately hateful about you chose dogs and a sweet, interesting magazine devoted to them. You better get back to your Neanderthal Weekly and your BB Gun. Woof YOU!
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I can't believe they actually printed that letter! What the hell were they thinking? He's obviously some nutjob fuckhead who wants to get a rise out of people. If there's any justice in the world, he'll get snatched up by a pack of wild dingoes... Or poodles.
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