Friday, September 16, 2005


In My Dreams

I'm known among my friends as the one who has really weird dreams. In the past few years, I've noticed that they seem to come in clusters over a few days--at least the ones I can remember. Then for the rest of the time I seem to be dream-free. Maybe it's hormonal or something. Right now I'm in the middle of one of the dream periods. Here are some recent samples:


This one I had a couple of nights ago. I was at my Dad's house (he passed away a little over three years ago) in the bathroom. I was going to do my business, but then I noticed that the bowl part of the toilet was loose (the part that in real life is just a continuation of the base). I tried to fix it, but it came off completely, and flooded the whole bathroom with about an inch of water. (If you're eating right now, you may want to save the rest of this post for later.) In the water was a ton of human poo and hundreds of fish––goldfish and white angel fish--all gasping for air. I had this dilemma about what to do. Whether I should try to save the fish or just try to clean up the whole mess and flush it down the toilet, fish included. What would I do with all the fish? They were looking at me, swimming around, gasping. It felt really helpless, and it was disgusting. I remember thinking how dirty the fish must be, and wondering how, if I did save them, I would ever get them clean. All the while my Dad was coming in and out of the bathroom acting frustrated with me.

My analysis: I think this dream has a lot to do with my feelings about Katrina. I've been really interested in donating to an animal rescue cause, as that's something really near and dear to my heart. Perhaps the fish represented all the people and animals that have been affected by the wrath of the hurricane. My feelings of trying to help but having it feel so hopeless make a lot of sense. And the foul water requires no stretch of the imagination to see the connection. My Dad acting frustrated with me probably comes from feelings of always wanting to please my father and feeling like I wasn't doing quite asking myself what my father would do in this situation. He'd probably be pleased with me for wanting to help with Katrina, but might question why I would choose to help animals when humans were in need. I guess I'm struggling with that, myself.


Dreamed a couple of nights ago that I was dating Vince Vaughn.

My analysis: Too much US Magazine lately.


Last night I dreamed that I was back in high school. I had a schedule that looked much like a newsletter, and I had a ton of books and papers, but no backpack to hold them in, so carrying them was a struggle. My first class had Coach Kelly (my high school cross country coach, English Teacher, and Graduation Europe trichaperonene) as the teacher. First, I couldn't find the class, then when I got there late, only seats that had very little room between me and the next person were available. Coach Kelly was teaching us about Europe ipreparationon for travel (just like he did in high school). I sat down in one seat, but had to move because the A/C unit was just over my head and was so loud I couldn't hear him talk. Each seat I moved to had the same problem. Eventually he let the class out, and I hadn't heard a word he said. I walked up to him to apologize for being late, and hwhippeded out this letter and was complaining about how a student had written it to him and how it was unacceptable. I remember there being a crude drawing of a woman's head at the top of the letter. He was bitching all about it, and I had to walk away to get to my next class. I got in one of those janitogardenerer a small flatbed. I sat in the back with all my books piled around me, and my sister, Dana, was driving. We got my schedule out, and I was supposed to go to room 200. We couldn't find it and drove all around over and over...

My analysis: I really can't figure this one out. I guess maybe I'm feeling a little lost and confused. Maybe about what to do next in my business. I'm really not sure! My sister has been really supportive of me, so that's probably where she comes in, but other than that...

If anyone has any theories, I'd love to hear them! Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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