Thursday, August 25, 2005
Working Girl
So this morning I'm off to take care of my first official client! He's a greyhound, and he's super sweet. We are thinking of possibly adopting a greyhound, so the experience with this dog will really help us make our decision. Dog racing is huge here in the Phoenix area, and the retired greyhounds all need homes. There are a ton of them, and there are groups specifically dedicated to finding them homes. I spoke to a lady from one of the groups a few weeks ago and learned that most of the adoptable animals are between one and three years old. They come with racing names and racing papers, as well as nicknames. The interesting thing about them is that when they are adopted they only know the racing life, which is a bunch of lying around in the sand, going potty at very specific times, and running their butts off. When they go to their new home, they are exposed to all sorts of new things that take some getting used to. Carpet, tile, concrete, gravel, and grass, are some of the ground textures they have to learn about since they are used to only walking and running on sand. The new owner has to walk them across all kinds of floors and coax them so that they know it's okay. Slippery surfaces can be especially rough. Can't you just imagine a long-legged greyhound doing the splits on your bathroom floor? They are also especially afraid of ceiling fans. They don't know about windows and glass doors, either, so they tend to run into them and get hurt. The suggestion is to put painting tape up in big Xs on the windows helps until they gain an understanding. One thing they never get used to is walking off leash. They will run after ANYTHING, including trash that blows across the street, because they are conditioned to do so. It's for their own safety that you keep them on a leash at all times. It sounds like a lot of work to own one of these retired greyhounds, but it's just the kind of challenge I like. And after they are accustomed to their new home, they relax and have a very sweet disposition...very loving of children and other animals. Perfect. I just have to make sure to get one that kisses.
I also booked my second client for a job in November. It feels good to finally be a legitimate business!!!
I also booked my second client for a job in November. It feels good to finally be a legitimate business!!!