For the last few days, government officials have been warning Maricopa residents that the recent rains in Tucson and Northern Mexico would bring flood waters to the Maricopa washes and streets. Our home is being built along one of these washes. There is no danger of the homes flooding because the washes are designed to hold all the water. The only danger comes if you get stuck in a wash area, or if you're stupid enough to play in the wash area or drive your car through a flooded street. Hence the stupid motorist law in Arizona stating that you are liable for all costs associated with your rescue or your car's rescue should you get stuck. There are two streets that dip into the wash area in Rancho El Dorado, our development. This first photo here shows the road closest to our home. (I pulled these photos from an article on

The second photo may have been taken from our lot or one of the lots next to ours. As you can see, when the washes flood we suddenly have lakefront property. Aside from being an inconvenience to get to our home the "back way," the flooding makes for a nice view.
# posted by Kristen–well minded @ 11:47 AM