Saturday, July 30, 2005


A Potential Stabbing Averted

We discovered yesterday that my stepson has some sort of a blood blister on one of his fingers, we think from climbing around on the rocks of the saltwater pool. Just a few minutes ago he walked up to me and pointed to the two pens laying on the desk with one hand and showed me the blood blister with the other. "Don't poke either one of those pens into this," he commanded. What the hell? What is he thinking? "Sweetheart, why would I do something like that?" I asked. He answered, "Well, when I was at school yesterday I wanted to try and figure out what would hurt and what wouldn't, so I poked a pencil into it and it hurt. So I'm just telling you not to poke those pens into my blister." Good thing he told me, because I was just about to do that. Maybe if I use a different pen...

The wisdome of a child...
or is that wisdom?
okay this one just confuses me!
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