Sunday, May 21, 2006
Look, a New Post!
Where is the time to blog? Where is the time to sleep? Where is the time to eat? Where is the time to catch up with friends? I thought I was busy when I had the 9-5 job. Being away from the house the majority of the day...only having evenings and weekends to do personal stuff. Now that I own my own business, there seems to be fewer hours in the day. Maybe I just need better time management skills, though I've always considered that one of my strong points. It's tough to find the balance when my days are woven with personal and business, as are most of my relationships. Is it a fun social gathering where I can toss a few back and relax, or is it a networking opportunity in which I need to be in top form? I'm not complaining...I'm happier than I've ever been. Just making an excuse as to why I haven't posted for over two months.
I could probably write for hours (if I had the time) about all the thrilling stuff that's been going on in my life, but I won't. Instead, here are a few choice tidbits to summarize...
My business is finally booming. Looks like it's going to be a profitable summer. While that makes me so, so happy, I'm also getting a bit stressed and feel like I need a break. I haven't had a day off in two months.
Which brings me to the fact that hubby and I are going to take a break and go to Rocky Point, Mexico during the middle of the week at the end of the month. I found someone to help me with my jobs for a couple of days. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. Little B will be in CA visiting his grandparents, so it will be a grown-up trip. Muy bueno!
Tivo is one of the greatest inventions of all time. We just got it when we moved in. Ever since it came out, I thought I didn't want it. I thought I watched enough TV, and if I had Tivo, it would just make matters worse. That is so not the case. Now I can watch my favorite shows when I want to. Duh. Not like I have to tell you. Everyone on the planet has known this forever. So now I get to record all the Dog Whisperer episodes I want, watch American Idol after my evening jobs (though what's the point, now that Chris Daughtry is gone), and watch Big Love after the little one is in bed.
I am obsessed with the Dog Whisperer (and Chris Daughtry). Cesar Millan is a king, and I'm trying out all his moves on my clients, even though it says not to try his techniques without a professional. I'm a professional, right? His techniques are totally working. I got a major puller to walk nicely next to me, and now we can enjoy our walks together and I get the respect I deserve. Hail Cesar!
My doggies graduated from preschool! We had a teacher come to the house, and now they know how to sit, lay down, lay down on a mat ("place"), target my hand, come when called (when they want to), and stay. Now we're building on the skills we learned in school and I'm teaching Kermit how to roll over and N.A.S.H.A. how to walk on her hind legs. I selected these skills because Kermit has a natural talent for rolling on his back and exposing his belly for rubs, so why not take it a step further? N.A.S.H.A. is pretty much naturally like a circus dog, so she should be balancing on a ball and jumping through hoops in no time.
The dogs are loving the backyard as much as we are. The pool is now hovering around 80º, and it's so, so nice to swim in. Since the weather has been in the triple digits lately--and will only rise--we've been spending most of our free time in the pool. The evenings are nice, too...we use our grill all the time and enjoy the sunsets and warm nights in our backyard.
We're going to buy our first lawn mower today.
Can't wait to enjoy the backyard with visitors that will be coming soon. My mother-in-law will be visiting next week, and then some good friends of mine are coming for a weekend. I can't wait!
We gave out the first MWIB scholarship last week. It was $500.00. A great feeling. We're already on our way to raising enough money to give away a larger scholarship next year.
When I have time, I'm reading a book called "Don't Know Much About HIstory." It's a entertaining summary of American history told from colonization until the present. I love history, and it's been great to freshen up my knowledge.
Last night I spent $50.50 on a tank of gas. The first time I went over the fifty dollar threshold. Yikes!
I just completed my first ferret job. They are fun, but stinky, and one of them had diarrhea, so that totally sucked. I had to scrub it off the walls and the corners of the cage. They are a hoot to watch, though, so it was worth it.
I finally saw Brokeback Mountain. I really liked it, though I think I waited too long to see it, because those "most talked about" movies never live up to the hype. Awesome acting, I thought.
Oh, and the most startling news of all...I turned the big 3-0 on April 5th. I'm officially old.
Well, that's all the news I can come up with for now. Until next time...which could be tomorrow or six months from now...I like to keep 'em guessing.
I could probably write for hours (if I had the time) about all the thrilling stuff that's been going on in my life, but I won't. Instead, here are a few choice tidbits to summarize...
My business is finally booming. Looks like it's going to be a profitable summer. While that makes me so, so happy, I'm also getting a bit stressed and feel like I need a break. I haven't had a day off in two months.
Which brings me to the fact that hubby and I are going to take a break and go to Rocky Point, Mexico during the middle of the week at the end of the month. I found someone to help me with my jobs for a couple of days. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. Little B will be in CA visiting his grandparents, so it will be a grown-up trip. Muy bueno!
Tivo is one of the greatest inventions of all time. We just got it when we moved in. Ever since it came out, I thought I didn't want it. I thought I watched enough TV, and if I had Tivo, it would just make matters worse. That is so not the case. Now I can watch my favorite shows when I want to. Duh. Not like I have to tell you. Everyone on the planet has known this forever. So now I get to record all the Dog Whisperer episodes I want, watch American Idol after my evening jobs (though what's the point, now that Chris Daughtry is gone), and watch Big Love after the little one is in bed.
I am obsessed with the Dog Whisperer (and Chris Daughtry). Cesar Millan is a king, and I'm trying out all his moves on my clients, even though it says not to try his techniques without a professional. I'm a professional, right? His techniques are totally working. I got a major puller to walk nicely next to me, and now we can enjoy our walks together and I get the respect I deserve. Hail Cesar!
My doggies graduated from preschool! We had a teacher come to the house, and now they know how to sit, lay down, lay down on a mat ("place"), target my hand, come when called (when they want to), and stay. Now we're building on the skills we learned in school and I'm teaching Kermit how to roll over and N.A.S.H.A. how to walk on her hind legs. I selected these skills because Kermit has a natural talent for rolling on his back and exposing his belly for rubs, so why not take it a step further? N.A.S.H.A. is pretty much naturally like a circus dog, so she should be balancing on a ball and jumping through hoops in no time.
The dogs are loving the backyard as much as we are. The pool is now hovering around 80º, and it's so, so nice to swim in. Since the weather has been in the triple digits lately--and will only rise--we've been spending most of our free time in the pool. The evenings are nice, too...we use our grill all the time and enjoy the sunsets and warm nights in our backyard.
We're going to buy our first lawn mower today.
Can't wait to enjoy the backyard with visitors that will be coming soon. My mother-in-law will be visiting next week, and then some good friends of mine are coming for a weekend. I can't wait!
We gave out the first MWIB scholarship last week. It was $500.00. A great feeling. We're already on our way to raising enough money to give away a larger scholarship next year.
When I have time, I'm reading a book called "Don't Know Much About HIstory." It's a entertaining summary of American history told from colonization until the present. I love history, and it's been great to freshen up my knowledge.
Last night I spent $50.50 on a tank of gas. The first time I went over the fifty dollar threshold. Yikes!
I just completed my first ferret job. They are fun, but stinky, and one of them had diarrhea, so that totally sucked. I had to scrub it off the walls and the corners of the cage. They are a hoot to watch, though, so it was worth it.
I finally saw Brokeback Mountain. I really liked it, though I think I waited too long to see it, because those "most talked about" movies never live up to the hype. Awesome acting, I thought.
Oh, and the most startling news of all...I turned the big 3-0 on April 5th. I'm officially old.
Well, that's all the news I can come up with for now. Until next time...which could be tomorrow or six months from now...I like to keep 'em guessing.